
GHM GmbH Steuerberatungsgesellschaft is legal successor to Dr. Peter Happe Steuerberatung, Cologne, and was founded by Dr. Peter Happe. GHM GmbH Steuerberatungsgesellschaft is the German-based communicating tax firm of GHM Partners AG, Zug, a Swiss firm of tax advisors likewise co-founded by Dr. Peter Happe.

Under the name GHM Partners, a total of 14 professionals (tax advisors, Swiss tax experts, trustees, lawyers, and notaries), and a back-office of 10 specially qualified members of staff who work in Germany (GHM GmbH Steuerberatungsgesellschaft) and in Switzerland (GHM Partners AG), cooperate across borders in the area of international law and international tax law.


  • Transfer Pricing
  • Corporate Tax
  • International Taxes
  • Tax